Mr. Maeda is responsible for liquidity risk management and credit risk management in Japan. He joined the firm in 2012 as a Credit Risk Manager. Prior to Morgan Stanley, he worked at a Japanese securities firm where he was primarily responsible for credit risk management of clients in Japan and Asia.
Describe your current role at the firm and your responsibilities.
I am responsible for liquidity risk management and credit risk management. On the liquidity risk management side, I am primarily in charge of establishing the governance structure and risk management framework with respect to liquidity risk management in Morgan Stanley Japan. On the credit risk management side, I am mainly responsible for managing credit risk that stems from transactions with our Japanese clients. At first glance, these two risks may not seem related but they are actually interrelated and act as two sides of the same coin. I find it interesting to leverage the experience I gained through my background in credit risk management to the management of different types of risks.
What made you decide to come to Morgan Stanley?
There are two reasons that made me decide to join Morgan Stanley. First, I wanted to develop my domain expertise by gaining experience in an environment where there is a global business platform with a wide range of products. Second, I wanted to position myself in an environment that attracted the most talented people. After a series of conversations I had with the people I met through the interview process, I felt even more strongly that Morgan Stanley had the environment that I was looking for.
Talk about your most significant accomplishment.
The most notable accomplishment is the development of stress test model designed specifically for Japan. Development of this model has provided us with the capacity to quantify risk and improve transparency of risk profile of Morgan Stanley Japan, and has helped us to decide what risk we should focus on and what action we should take to control the identified risks. I believe this has contributed to further enhancing our risk management capability.
How would you describe the firm's culture?
The two words that describe the culture of Morgan Stanley are teamwork and collaboration. Even if you encounter a challenge that is difficult to overcome with your domain expertise alone, there is a culture to work as a team to achieve the goal by leveraging the skills and experience of colleagues around you.
What have you discovered about how to work with others at different levels?
Through the experience of working in a team with people of different levels, I have come to realize that it is important to choose the right information with the right messages appropriate for the audience and the desired outcome. I have also learned that it is crucial to understand the communication styles and behavior of your counterparts to be able to take the best approach.
Tell us about the importance of “Giving Back” - both at the firm and for you personally
Morgan Stanley encourages us to give back to the society through volunteer activities, which is one of the firm’s core values. Our department has sponsored a volunteer event which aims to help create job opportunities for women and deliver dolls and soccer balls to children in Cambodia.